Archives for July 2018
Senior Citizens and War Veterans Discount!
Service: serv-ice n. 1. work done to assist or benefit another
2. Thoughful and continuous regard for the current and future well-being of a
customer: marked by diligence, empathy, candor, constancy and sincere concern.
We hope that throughout the course of our relationship, you’ve been able to depend on us for excellent advice and service. Your support is what inspires us to seek a higher level of performance and we intend to keep striving to redefine excellence within the electrical industry.
Most importantly, we base our service on the human values of sincerity, integrity, respect and trust. These are the basic ingredients we need in order to build a long-term relationship.
We want you to know that we’re here when you need us…and, that you can depend on us to assist with your electrical needs. The heart of our organization is about catering to your needs and creating the best scenarios for you.
Additionally, we promise a code of honesty.
Electrical Safety in your home
Please take a moment to check out the link below! This link will actually show you all the area’s in your home that are in need of electrical safety.
Energy Efficient Bulbs
Interested in making your home more energy-efficient? See the light! Visit residential-services/ to learn how our electrical plans can help you save energy and money!